
How authenticity and integrity create a meaningful life


How can you express your authentic self more on a daily basis?

Stress, anger, sadness, illness, chronic pain or a constant feeling of disconnection can be a signal that you have been living life without expressing your authenticity.

Frequent negative emotions can quickly become your predominant way of being and you don’t know how to make your way back to a happy, positive state of mind because life feels a bit like a rat wheel.

One of the reasons why we can end up living and feeling like this is that we assimilate the beliefs, opinions and rules from our environment and all the well meant people we interact since our early days. We then perpetuate these beliefs and rules until we hopefully become aware that we are off track and not being who we really are and/or doing what we really want to do in life.

Dale Carnegie said “Knowledge isn’t power unless is applied”. Once we bring to light how our default programming is keeping us stuck in our current reality, we have the power to steer it in the direction of a more meaningful life, or to stay stuck where we are.

A skilled coach can hold space for you to peel these layers that separate the conditioned version of you from who you really and teach you how to create a new reality.

Living your authentic self  helps experience more connectedness and wellbeing. By uncovering the “truths” about how you operate and create your reality, you can make changes that support you in feeling better and creating a more meaningful life. You can also acknowledge your own preferences and make better choices for yourself.

By becoming aware of these truths, they became an integrity compass. Every time we choose to perpetuate any of this old patterns and behaviours that keep us stuck, we compromise on our integrity.

I like Gay Hendricks definition of integrity in his book The Big Leap: Instead of a moral issue, it is more like a physics issue — wholeness and completeness.

We compromise on our integrity by perpetuating a behaviour that will result in a breach of our wholeness and who we really are if we choose to keep ourselves open to real love to be seem beyond the facades.

It takes courage to dig deep inside ourselves and to show up differently in the world. We need to create a new vision for ourselves and move towards it. I understand that some people will move at a very slow pace and others feel as if they can’t move at all. But ultimately, it is our integrity that is at risk, and hiding who we really are takes a lot of energy.

If you find yourself feeling disconnected, stressed and unhappy and more confused when talking to someone in your close circle, getting the help of a coach may be a great way to get an outside perspective and be supported in this journey. I can help you untangle all these aspects of your authentic journey through strategic intervention.


How authenticity and integrity create a meaningful life


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