
The best way to predict the future is to create it

The good news is, it all starts with you!


As a heart-centred and conscientious woman, I know that you want to be a great mum and a loving partner while also feeling on purpose and fulfilled. 

In order to do that, you need to know exactly what you long for at a soul level. 

The problem is that you don't know how to work on your dreams without rocking the boat. You think it is impossible to implement changes that support your desires and strengthen your relationships at the same time, which makes you feel stuck, frustrated and lonely. 

I believe that every woman deserves to feel grounded in their own value and create a life they love. As a parent and partner, you shouldn't have to give up on your dreams and live day by day, not knowing where you are heading and secretly wishing you had a different life. 

I totally get it! You are not alone. A lot of my clients experienced the same fear before working with me and soon realise they could have saved years of unfulfillment and running away from their feelings. But it doesn't have to be this way. 

It is my mission to help women like you to learn the skills and have the confidence to turn life around and make your vision for yourself and your family a reality. That is why I have created the Turnaround ™ Method. 

Here's how I do it

Step 1 - Mindful Awareness

We'll take inventory of each area of your life and identify the old stories, conclusions and patterns that are holding you back so you can start seeing the possibilities for a brighter and more purposeful future. By the end of this step you will turn off the autopilot and start taking the lead in your own life. 

Step 2 - Grounded Transformation

You will learn to appreciate and nurture yourself unapologetically. I will help you increase clarity and confidence so you can make choices that align with the new and more empowered version of you. By the end of this step you will have created a new compass for your life and be able to give to others from a place of abundance and inner safety. 

Step 3 - Intentional Living

You will learn how to communicate your vision and bring your family with you on your journey. You will learn how to amplify your strengths and the strengths of those around you and maximise what is already working well to support changes . By the end of this step you will embrace challenges with a positive energy and know how to continually take actions that constantly upgrade your life. 

And step by step, I teach you how to heal aspects of your past that hinder your growth, and how to support yourself, so that you can be grounded, connected and fulfilled - making purpose and fun a family affair. 

I invite you to have a chat with me to discuss how I can help you make your vision for your life match your reality so you can decide if working together feels like the right next step for you. 

Quit waiting to see where life takes you and choose to become the self- actualised woman that you want to be. 

I will give you the tools, the support and the accountability you need to make it happen. 

Let's create a future that you can celebrate YOU and YOUR LIFE every day!


A method to turn things around and help you live a life YOU love The Turnaround ™ Method


Mindful Awareness

We'll take inventory of each area of your life and identify what is working and what isn't, the old stories, conclusions and patterns that are holding you back so you can start seeing the possibilities for a brighter and more purposeful future. You will turn off the autopilot and start taking the lead in your own life. 


Grounded Transformation

You will learn to appreciate and nurture yourself unapologetically. I will help you increase clarity and confidence so you can make choices that align with the new and more empowered version of you. You will create a new compass for your life and be able to give to others from a place of abundance and inner safety. 


Intentional Living

You will learn how to communicate your vision and bring your family with you on your journey. You will learn how to amplify strengths and maximise what is already working well to support changes. You will embrace challenges with a positive energy and know how to continually take actions that constantly upgrade your life. 


As a mother of two boys (9 and 15) with experience working as a Disability Advisor in Higher Education, I am alarmed by the number of young people suffering with symptoms of mental illness and by the impact that dysfunctional family dynamics and unhealed transgenerational trauma has on children's wellbeing. 

Having experienced trauma in my childhood, I am a happy childhood advocate. I know that my performance in school, my self-esteem and ability to trust myself were severely affected for years due to the drama and trauma I have experienced. I am passionate about educating parents to become more conscious and lead parenting and family life with their heart and intention so that they can create the best environment for their children and their relationship with each other to thrive.

I am a Certified Gallup Strengths and Strategic Intervention Coach with over 20 years coaching individuals to reach their health and wellbeing goals. I believe that Strengths Psychology and Systemic Consciousness offer a very accessible entry point for people to increase appreciation of self and others, understand what healthy family dynamics look like and in turn improve the quality of their lives and their relationships.

I offer workshops and coaching to help parents develop self-awareness and an understanding of the family systems theory, improve communication and utilise strategies to leverage on what is good and right about each person to increase connection, collaboration and ultimately joy in the household. 



Sensitive and expressive young people want to express their unique personality, be fulfilled and also stay connected to family whilst developing autonomy and confidence in their decisions. 

In order to do that, they need to learn to appreciate their own talents and personality, connect with their inner compass and be supported to assert themselves and take action.   

The problem is that they don't know how to take the next steps to launch themselves into the world without worrying that their choices will let other people down, suffering with comparisonitis and trusting their decisions. 

If they think it is impossible to choose a career they love and become financially viable or to do well without following their family footsteps, they will feel confused, stuck and shut down. Anxiety and overwhelm will prevent them from moving forward.

I believe that every young person deserves to feel confident in their own value and to create a life they love. They shouldn't have to give up on their dreams and follow everyone's advice secretly wishing they had a different choice. But sometimes they need guidance to explore these options so they can feel safe to take the first steps.  

It is my mission to help young people develop self-awareness, confidence and a compelling vision for their life so that parents can develop a healthy and happy relationship with their sons and daughters. One that will evolve and support them to thrive. 

That's why I created The Turnaround Method™. Let's schedule a call to identify the challenges and explore the possibilities to help one more person become a thriving adult.

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